Online Coaching

Let me help you with your fitness goals!

I don’t know you and you don’t know me.

But tell me if this sounds like you…

  • You’ve never seen long-lasting results from the whole exercise and diet thing
  • You’ve spent years losing & regaining the same weight
  • You feel overwhelmed by all the information out there & don’t know what actually works

What if I told you that you can absolutely get to where you  want to be, maintain your results forever and do it in a simple and even enjoyable way?

Yes, you can lose weight without cutting out carbs.

Yes, you can lose fat without starving yourself.

And yes, you can get the strong, toned & defined body you want without working out for hours everyday.

When you & I work together, you will learn how to fit fitness into your life so you can make sustainable changes and maintain lasting results.

You will learn exactly the steps you need to take to achieve the body you’ve always wanted and maintain it long-term.

I will support you and help you tackle every obstacle that comes your way.

I will be with you at every step along your journey.

You and I will be a team – working together to ensure you reach your goals.

Because you can do it & you deserve to get the body you want!

All it takes is some direction from me and your willingness to put forth your best effort!

Let me help you finally get to where you want to be!

How It All Works

1. Application & Assessment

My first priority is to determine if we’re a good fit to work together and how I can help you best!

This isn’t a cookie cutter program where everybody gets the same thing –

Your program will be individualized to you so you can achieve your goals in a way that is best studied to your body, your goals and your lifestyle!

You’ll fill out an application so I can learn about you, your background and your goals.

We’ll then setup a zoom call to meet and talk in more detail about you – your training & dieting history, your main goals, your major obstacles and what you need the most help with!

After we’ve determined we’re a good fit to work together, we’ll start the assessment process.

You’ll complete an extensive questionnaire so I can learn everything I need to know about you to design your program.

2. Training

I’ll design a personalized training program for you every month based on your goals, skill level, equipment availability and schedule –

So you can build muscle, get more toned & defined and get stronger & fitter than you have been in your entire life without feeling lost or spending hours in the gym everyday!

Your program will include:

  1. Workouts for however many days per week we determine to be best
  2. Each workout clearly laid out for you exercise by exercise
  3. Video tutorials & written descriptions for every exercise
  4. Details on sets, reps & rest
  5. Instructions on how to warmup & how to progress
  6. Training log so we’re always on the same page about your progress
  7. Unlimited form feedback on videos you send me

3. Nutrition

I’ll design your nutrition program specific to your goals, dieting history, lifestyle & preferences.

You’ll know exactly how much and what you should be eating.

We will approach this in a systematic way so you can not only lose fat & get lean, but also improve your relationship with food without starving yourself and cutting out your favorite foods!

The goal is for you to develop habits that you will be able to sustain for life!

4. Accountability

You will have consistent access to me as your coach so you never feel alone in this process and never have to wonder if you’re on the right track.

We will have daily, weekly & monthly check-ins so you can see how your investment in your health is making an impact.

I will help you tackle every obstacle that comes your way, hold you accountable, keep you motivated and make sure you don’t quit even when you feel like it!

I’m going to take out all the guesswork for you so you don’t have to think or guess.

I’m going to give you everything you need and all you have to do is execute and follow the plan!

Are you ready to do things differently this time?

Are you ready to finally reach your goals and create lasting change?

Fill out an application and let's get started!

What People Are Saying

The beginning of my fitness journey started about 8 years ago. After my children were born, I was never able to keep myself in a good spot with my weight or nutrition.

When COVID began, I quit going to my gym. Arthritis was killing my knees & hip. And I began to gain weight.

I reached out to Juhee at the end of April to see if she could help me get back to a spot where I felt good in my own skin. Juhee was so thorough & encouraging. She listened to my goals & worked with me to move toward them.

For the first time in 50 years I am understanding how important nutrition is. I am a stress eater & tend to graze throughout the day. I now have more structure & feel much more in control. I also don’t berate myself when I go off track.

I am truly thankful for Juhee and am looking forward to continuing to get stronger so I can keep up with my grandkids!


I began to see Juhee’s fitness tips on Instagram and saw that she offered online coaching. I travel a lot and wondered if this might be a good fit. I was so fearful to hope-so afraid of strength training. Pain has been a big part of my journey and the thought of ME doing any kind of strength work was terrifying. I was so hopeful and decided to trust Juhee and her guidance. She is so incredibly knowledgeable and encouraging yet inspires me to excellence.  

I needed the accountability Juhee provides with tracking nutrition and weight as well as monthly progress pictures and measurements. It has been so encouraging. And I look forward to my new workouts she designs specifically for me every month!

I can hardly believe the change in my body. I am so much stronger and have been able to enjoy being physically active like I have not been able to do in over twenty years. I have lost weight and inches. I have gained strength and mobility.  Most of all this program has completely changed my life and how I view what I am able to do. I am committed. I fight for health. I am forever grateful to Juhee!


diet plan to lose weight

I am the type of person that tries one fad after the other, desperate to find an easy way to lose weight. I have tried everything from gyms, boot camps, yoga, online fitness program, fitness apps and various diets you want to name: keto, intermittent fasting, south beach diet. Nothing seemed to work as I was not able to sustain the improvement beyond a week.

I started with Juhee after I saw her videos on TikTok. I felt like she spoke at my level and broke down the process to make it simple. I will be honest, I was skeptical at first – all I had to do was watch what I ate and do simple workouts regularly. Are you kidding me?!

Juhee explained to me that the key to success was simplicity and consistency in the weight loss program. She put me on a personal plan after taking into account my body, my current diet, exercise equipment I had access to and my goal. I cannot believe the progress I’ve made – in weight & inches! 

Juhee is always on and provides real time advice and support. I feel like a celebrity of sorts because I can now boast of a personal trainer. 🙂


My experience so far has been superb. My current routine has changed my perception about weight loss and dieting. It’s more about what’s sustainable to you and if you can build a healthy lifestyle for yourself.

I chose to prioritize myself and my health. I think it all boils down to a decision and how seriously you take it. I’ve had my highs and lows through the last few months but our weekly check-ins help me focus to do better. My monthly check-ins help me make a personal goal that I’d like to see myself achieve.

I’ve not been perfect through this process and have had my share of overeating/bingeing/skipping workouts but I also chose to not give up. The initial 3 weeks for me were the hardest. It started to get better eventually. I’ve still not perfected my routine but there’s a massive shift in the way I approach my food habits and in the way I see exercise.

I’m so proud of how far I’ve come and that wouldn’t be possible without Juhee. She’s been my cheerleader and my biggest motivator. I appreciate her so much!


I worked with Juhee for 8 months. The first picture is from January 2022 and the last from August 2022.

It’s not all about what changes on the scale. The last two months the scale hasn’t changed but the progress and strength has changed!

There have been consistent ups and downs throughout my journey. But knowing and being able to push myself to get my life back has been able to help me persevere.

Staying consistent with watching what I’m eating and showing up to work out even when I’m exhausted and I’ve been working for almost 24 hours.

I never cut out any foods 100%… just aimed to stay consistent.

And it obviously works and does pay off in the end!

Mary Emily

I struggled for 2 years to lose 5 lbs.  I’d given up trying, thinking something must be wrong with me – genetics, age (48), hormones, sleep. I even thought my vegan diet was to blame.

Years of cutting calories, intermittent fasting, training harder, adding more hiit (the list goes on) but nothing seemed to work!  

I came across Juhee’s videos on Instagram and something about her seemed so genuine. Her tips were so practical and honest; there are no shortcuts, consistency is key, it’s not that complicated. I’ve never contacted a person based on a video but it just seemed right. She’s exactly what you see- incredibly authentic and knowledgeable! She created a highly individualized plan for me with a built-in “learning how to do this forever,” module.  

In 3 months I met my goal, following her super-clear plan. Juhee is seriously on it! She is consistent and responsive, gives amazing feedback on form through videos, and hangs with you throughout the process. Best investment I’ve made in myself. Highly recommended this amazing human and top-notch trainer.  


When I found Juhee, I was following a very restrictive diet after already losing 20 pounds and starting strength training by myself. I was a little bit lost, and was wondering what to do – so I decided to contact Juhee.
When I first received my program, I was a bit scared – Juhee was telling me to eat more! I was scared that I would gain back the pounds that I struggled to lose. I was totally wrong.
As the weeks passed by, the scale was increasing, but I was gaining muscle, not fat! I was feeling more confident about my physique, and my friends and family were starting to notice. Both my physical appearance and my mental approach to fitness has changed tremendously thanks to Juhee. 
Because of the strict dieting, I had developed a very unhealthy relationship with food. Thanks to Juhee, I learned how to build balanced meals, prioritize protein, and know when I could be a more flexible. 

In terms of coaching and feedback, Juhee is always available. When I didn’t have access to a gym, she designed specific workouts for me. When I needed feedback on my form, I could send her videos and she would give me detailed instructions on how to improve.
Overall, I feel like Juhee has helped me enjoy working out and helped me build habits that I will never forget for life. I will be forever thankful for that.


All payments are non-refundable. If you choose to discontinue coaching anytime after the initial minimum commitment period, it is your responsibility to cancel your PayPal recurring payment before the next payment processes. If you do not check in/communicate with me yet do not cancel payments, your spot as a client will be maintained until payments are canceled.